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La Kangaroo care:


˗ Karimi FZ, Khadivzadeh T, Saeidi M, Bagheri S. The Effect of Kangaroo Mother Care Immediately after Delivery on Mother-infant Attachment and on Maternal Anxiety about the Baby 3- Months after Delivery: a Randomized Controlled Trial. Int J Pediatr; 4(9): 3561-70; (2016)
˗ Kurt, F Y et al. “The effect of kangaroo care on maternal attachment in preterm infants.” Nigerian journal of clinical practice vol. 23,1 (2020): 26-32.
˗ Shorey S, He HG, Morelius E. Skin-to-skin contact by fathers and the impact on infant and paternal outcomes: an integrative review. Midwifery. (2016); 40:207-217.
˗ Helk Souza L, Sperli Geraldes Soler ZA, Sperli Geraldes Santos ML, Sperli Geraldes Marin Dos Santos Sasaki N. Puerperae bonding with their children and labor experiences. Invest Educ Enferm. 35(3):364-371; 2017.
˗ Ünal Toprak F, Şentürk Erenel A. Impact of kangaroo care after caesarean section on paternal-infant attachment and involvement at 12 months: A longitudinal study in Turkey. Health Soc Care Community. 29(5):1502-1510; 2021.
˗ Hardin JS, Jones NA, Mize KD, Platt M. Parent-Training with Kangaroo Care Impacts Infant Neurophysiological Development & Mother-Infant Neuroendocrine Activity. Infant Behav Dev. 2020; 58:101416.
˗ Takubo Y, Nemoto T, Obata Y, Baba Y, Yamaguchi T, Katagiri N, Tsujino N, Kitamura T, Mizuno M, "Effectiveness of Kangaroo Care for a Patient with Postpartum Depression and Comorbid Mother-Infant Bonding Disorder", Case Reports in Psychiatry, vol. 2019, Article ID 9157214, 6 pages, 2019.
˗ Athanasopoulou E, Fox JR. “Effects of kangaroo mother care on maternal mood and interaction patterns between parents and their preterm, low birth weight infants: a systematic review.” Infant mental health journal vol. 35,3 (2014): 245-62.
˗ Cho ES, Kim SJ, Kwon MS, Cho H, Kim EH, Jun EM, Lee S. The Effects of Kangaroo Care in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit on the Physiological Functions of Preterm Infants, Maternal-Infant Attachment, and Maternal Stress. J Pediatr Nurs. 2016 Jul-Aug;31(4):430-8.

Rivista Italiana on line "LA CARE" Volume 25, Numero 3, anno 2022
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