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Rivista Italiana on line "LA CARE"
L'ecografia ostetrica:
un pre incontro tra la madre e il suo bambino


Our century is characterized by the triumph of technology and the medicalization of pregnancy that have radically transformed the expectation of the child: if on the one hand they have contributed to the progress of the diagnostic investigation, significantly reducing morbidity and perinatal mortality, on the other they have greatly influenced the prenatal relationship, the one between the mother and the child she carries in her womb. By technology we mean ultrasound scans, screenings, invasive and non-invasive examinations: methods that are offered to women during pregnancy, investigating the state of fetal well-being, which greatly affect the prenatal bond, the construction of parenthood, as well as thoughts and emotions. maternal.
Pregnancy changes the woman's way of thinking, she begins to think for two she prepares to become a mother and enters a particular psychological state. Her brain changes to accommodate and interact with the creature that is growing inside her. Stronger feelings such as fear, anxiety and love are constantly solicited according to external circumstances.
The style of attachment, the responses to events and the ways of relating the experiences she faces depend on her Personality. For her part, the fetus is a conscious and sensitive being, endowed with psychic life, sensoriality and memory. She welcomes everything that the mother sends him through the complex hormonal exchange that is created between the two. Not only positive emotions, but also negative ones leave a trace in him. This placenta-mediated dialogue will be central to her development and the basis of their relationship.
Arturo Giustardi
Neonatologo,Presidente AICIP,

Alessia Venturini

Monika Stablum
Consulente pre e post natale

Adelaida Fabianova

Alexandra Semjonova
AICIP Nazionale

Rivista Italiana on line "LA CARE" Volume 20, Numero 1, anno 2021
            « Indietro Pagina [15] di 48 Avanti »