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Breast crawl: il tepore attrattivo dell’areola mammaria
Divisione di Medicina Perinatale, Policlinico Abano Terme, Abano Terme, Italia
L. Giliberti, A. Meneghello, F. Volpe, R. Maione, G. Straface, A. Giustardi, V. Zanardo
Il personale sanitario e le donne in primis, dovrebbero essere istruite nella conoscenza di questi nuovi scenari e sulla criticità della golden hour e dei relativi stati del neonato.
Proprio per questo non deve terminare la ricerca sulle ricchezze non ancora scoperte e inesplorate dell’areola mammaria.


1. Schaal B, Doucet S, Sagot P et al. (2006) Human breast areolae as scent organs: morphological data and possible involvement in maternal-neonatal coadaptation. Dev Psychobiol 248: 100–110.

2. Klaus M, Marshall H. (1998) Mother and infant: early emotional ties. Pediatrics;102: 1244-46.

3. Widström AM, Wahlberg V, Matthiesen AS. (1990) Short-term effects of early suckling and touch of the nipple on maternal behaviour. Early Hum Develop 21(3):153-63.

4. Widström AM, Ransjö‐Arvidson AB, Christensson K et al. (1987) Gastric suction in healthy newborn infants: Effects on circulation and developing feeding behaviour. Acta Paediatr Scand 76:566-72.

5. Righard L, Alade MO. (1990) Effect of delivery room routines on success of first breastfeed. Lancet 336 (8723): 1105-7.

6. Varendi H, Porter RH, Winberg J. (1994) Does the newborn baby find the nipple by smell? Lancet 344 (8928): 989-90.

7. Varendi H, Porter RH, Winberg J. (1996) Attractiveness of amniotic fluid odour: Evidence of prenatal olfactory learning? Acta Paediatr 85: 1223-27.

8. Varendi H, Porter RH. (2001) Breast odour as the only maternal stimulus elicits crawling towards the odour source. Acta Paediatr 90 (4): 372-75.

9. Christensson K, Siles C, Moreno L et al. (1992) Temperature, metabolic adaptation and crying in healthy newborns cared for skin-to-skin, or in cot. Acta Paediatr Scand 8: 488–503.

10. Christensson K, Siles C, Moreno L et al. (1995) Separation distress call in the human neonate in the absence of maternal body contact. Acta Paediatr 84: 468–73.

11. Soar J, Nolan J.P, Böttiger, BW, Perkins GD et al. (2015) European Resuscitation Council guidelines for resuscitation 2015. Resuscitation 95, 100-147.

12. Zanardo, V, Volpe, F, De Luca F et al. (2017) A temperature gradient may support mother‐infant thermal identification and communication in the breast crawl from birth to breastfeeding. Acta Paediatr 106(10), 1596-99.

13. Vuorenkoski V, Wasz-Höckert O, Koivisto E et al. (1969) The effect of cry stimulus on the temperature of the lactating breast of primipara. A thermographic study. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 25(12), 1287.

14. DeCasper AJ, Fifer WP. (1980) Of human bonding: newborns prefer their mother’s voices. Science 208: 1174-76.

15. Zanardo V, Gianluca S. (2015) The higher temperature in the areola supports the natural progression of the birth to breastfeeding continuum. PlosOne 10.3 (2015): e0118774

L. Giliberti, A. Meneghello, F. Volpe, R. Maione, G. Straface, A. Giustardi, V. Zanardo
Rivista Italiana online "La Care" Vol 9 No 3 anno 2017- pagina 6 - Avanti »