Rivista Italiana on line "LA CARE"
La percezione acustico-linguistica
dall’età prenatale all’età infantile
Since the modern diagnostic tools have allowed us to probe and explore intrauterine life, to study and monitor it closely, it was discovered how the fetus lives and his feelings develops from the first weeks. The spotlight was on the fascinating beginning of life, that lost paradise that unites everyone. And to deepen, but not solve, the ancient question of the presence of a soul before birth. Consequently, the social representation of the fetus, the image we have of this phase of life, the expectations of the parents themselves, is also changing. Current knowledge has demolished prejudices and superstitions. But in some cases they have confirmed what the mothers have always thought: that the children in the womb feel, are connected with their surroundings. And, even more intriguing, they can share emotions with their mothers, they are able to experience disappointment, depression, anger and fear. Numerous research shows that since the first months of gestation when the mother is quiet, even the fetus is, but if he is anxiously he agitates the same way. The mysterious and deep bond between mother and fetus is born well before the birth.
The prenatal child lives everything that the mother lives and from the beginning. Already in utero, not only the physical body of the child is formed, but also his psyche and, consequently, his character. Therefore, during gestation it is not sufficient to follow the good performance only through ultrasound examinations, clinical analyzes and medical checks to ascertain the perfect state of health of mother and child. It is also necessary to worry about correctly feeding the mother-father-child relationship on an emotional level. The child, immersed in the amniotic sac, is invested by everything that happens to the mother: what succeeds in giving well-being, joy, serenity and balance to the mother, will surely benefit the child too. Also premature babies express a wide range of emotions. Observations of behavior in the uterus of ultrasound, especially between twins, reveal anger, fear, affection. The fetus also reacts to the needles that interfere in the uterus with shock, withdrawal, aggression, trying real panic. He calms himself with his mother's voice, at six months of gestation he can move his body to the rhythm of his speeches
Linda Veronese(1),
Ilona Kejklickova (2),
Arturo Giustardi (3)
1 logopedista libera professionista, Montecchio Maggiore
2 Presidente Logo Klinica Brno Repubblica Ceca
3 Presidente AICIP
Rivista Italiana on line "LA CARE" Volume 13, Numero 4, anno 2018